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Queue configuration

Queue is configured using config file and/or using environment variables. If both are in use then latter takes precedence.

Configuring with config file#

Queue process expects config file at /config/queue.json during startup. Config file might be placed either by creating new docker image based on queue image or by mounting host directory from caller side.

Possible queue configuration file:

  "checkAgainTimeInterval": 30,
  "queuePort": 41000,
  "globalAnalyticsConfiguration" : {
    "kibanaConfiguration": {
      "endpoints": [
      "indexPattern": "emcee-queue"
    "graphiteConfiguration": {
      "socketAddress": "",
      "metricPrefix": "emcee.queue"

checkAgainTimeInterval - time between buckets requests for worker,

queuePort - port on which queue will run,

globalAnalyticsConfiguration - configuration for queue analytics, kibanaConfiguration and graphiteConfiguration are optional.

Block testHistoryService defines test histroy service configuration. Based on it test hostory service may use different storages. Learn more.

Configuring with container environment variables#

Variable Description
EMCEE_QUEUE_KIBANA_ENDPOINTS Elasticsearch endpoints for logs. Example: EMCEE_QUEUE_KIBANA_ENDPOINTS=","
EMCEE_QUEUE_KIBANA_INDEX_PATTERN Index pattern for Kibana logs. Example: emcee-queue.
EMCEE_QUEUE_ELASTIC_API_KEY api key for Elastic, optional. It is used for authorization in Elastic and will be added to http headers in request. api-key-service is supported.
EMCEE_QUEUE_GRAPHITE_ADDRESS Graphite address. Example:
EMCEE_QUEUE_GRAPHITE_METRIC_PREFIX Graphite metric prefix. Example: emcee.queue.