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Now we provide following macos runners with no limit of minutes, that is similar by performance to ones (macos-xlarge) managed by GitHub.

  • 4vCPU M1 MAX cores
  • 12GB RAM
  • 90GB SSD storage

Installed software#

macOS 14#

  • OS: 14.5
  • Kernel: Darwin 23.5.0
  • Image: 20240707.1
  • Rosetta 2:

Additional installed Software#

Xcodes & Sim runtimes#

  • Xcode 15.4 (15F31d)
  • sim runtime iOS 17.5 (21F79)
  • sim runtime tvOS 17.5 (21L569)
  • sim runtime watchOS 10.5 (21T575)
  • xrOS 1.2 (21O5565d)
  • xcodes tool 1.4.1


  • gcc 14.1.0
  • cmake 3.29.3
  • rbenv 1.2.0, ruby 3.3.2, bundler 2.5.11
  • node.js 20.14.0, yarn 1.22.22
  • python 3.12.3 (system python 3.9.6), pip 24.0
  • openjdk 17.0.11, android-33, build-tools-34
  • Flutter 3.22.1, Dart 3.4.1
  • fastlane 2.220.0
  • cocoapods 1.15.2, carthage 0.39.1


  • Homebrew 4.3.2
  • git-lfs 3.5.1


We continiously update image to gather all security updates