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Gradle plugin

Emcee Gradle plugin is a regular jar file that might be downloaded from release page.

Then create libs directory in project's root and put jar file there.

To enable the plugin, add to root build.gradle.kts:

buildscript {
    dependencies {

along with setting plugin's id in build.gradle.kts for Application module:

plugins {

Plugin settings#

The plugin is configured through the properties in project.

Property Description
queueBaseUrl Address of deployed queue
testTimeout Maximum duration of individual test in seconds. Learn more
executionTimeout Maximum duration of all configurations. Learn more
artifactory Artifactory configuration.
Nested properties: user, password, baseUrl, repository, connectionTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout.
user User for Artifactory. Use blank "" if there is no authorization in Artifactory
password Password for Artifactory. Use blank "" if there is no authorization in Artifactory
baseUrl Address of deployed Artifactory. For instance, http://<your hostname or ip>:8081/artifactory/.
repository Repository to put files in Artifactory
connectionTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout HTTP client settings for Artifactory.
job A logical unit of work to be processed by a queue. Typically, it is one test run.
Nested properties: id, groupId, priority, groupPriority.
id identifier for job. Use blank "" to tell Emcee to generate job identifier
groupId identifier to combine several jobs into groups
priority priority for the job. The higher this value, the higher the priority of the work being performed. Acceptable values are 0..999
groupPriority similarly to priority but for group of jobs.
environment A map of environment variables for tests.
loggerConfiguration Logger configuration for plugin.
Nested properties:
logLevel level for logging. Possible values: verbose, debug, info, warning, critical.
printStackTrace determines if Emcee should print stack trace, possible values true or false
screenRecordConfiguration Configuration for screen recording during test execution. videoRecordStrategy may be one of ScreenRecordStrategy.RECORD_ALL, RECORD_NONE, RECORD_ON_FAIL.
testRetryConfiguration Optional. Configuration to retry failed tests. Nested properties:
mode to retry (see more below).
retries count.
Available retry modes:
TestRetryMode.RETRY_THROUGH_QUEUE retries failed tests on other workers
TestRetryMode.RETRY_ON_WORKER retries failed tests on the same worker
By default mode is TestRetryMode.RETRY_ON_WORKER with 1 retry
devices A list with devices on which the tests will be run. At least one device should be specified.
Find all available api versions and screen resolutions
testsSplitter Strategy to split tests into buckets. Possible values:
- Individual - the number of buckets will be equal the number of tests
- EquallyDivided - equal number of tests in each bucket
- TimeWeighted - equal time of execution for every each bucket
- UnSplit - all tests will be in one bucket

- fixedBucketSize - fixed tests count in each bucket
testRunFeatureTogglesConfiguration Enabling additional functional:
- isAllureEnabled - enables Allure report for tests. Files are searched in default directories, more details about directories look in the documentation Allure Kotlin. Files for the Allure report are created by Allure itself if it is present in the tests
- shouldGenerateJunitReport - enables Junit report for tests. The report will be in the directory with the rest of other artifacts.

By default, all feature toggles are disabled

Take a look on example configuration of the Emcee plugin in Kotlin DSL:

import com.avito.emcee.client.ScreenRecordStrategy
import com.avito.emcee.queue.ScheduleStrategy
import com.avito.emcee.queue.TestRetryMode
import java.time.Duration

plugins {

android {

emcee {
    queueBaseUrl.set("http://<your hostname or ip>:41000/")
    artifactory {
        user.set("Set to empty or set username if auth is enabled in Artifactory")
        password.set("Set to empty or set password if auth is enabled in Artifactory")
        baseUrl.set("http://<your hostname or ip>:8081/artifactory/")
    job {
        groupId.set("Emcee Android Sample")
        id.set("Set me to empty for auto generation or set your id")
    environment.set(mapOf("ENV_NAME" to "ENV_VALUE"))
    loggerConfiguration {
    screenRecordConfiguration {
    testRetryConfiguration {
    devices {
    testRunFeatureTogglesConfiguration {

Tests filtering#

You can apply filtering to send only necessary tests to the queue.

To do this, you need to register a filter group, give it a name and specify the required filters. For instance:

import com.avito.emcee.client.internal.test_filter.TestFilter.AnnotationFilter
import com.avito.emcee.client.internal.test_filter.TestFilter.ClassNameFilter

emcee {
    // ...
    testsFilters {
            name = "group1",
            filters = listOf(
            name = "group2",
            filters = listOf(

You can register several filter groups at once, in which you can combine filters of different types.

To apply filtering add an argument indicating the group name to command:

./gradlew emceeTestDebug --filterGroupName group1

Available filter types:

Filter Description
AnnotationFilter Filter by tests annotation name. For instance, Flaky or LargeTest.
PackageNameFilter Filter by package name. For instance, com.example.specialtest.
ClassNameFilter Filter by tests class name. For instance,, ExampleInstrumentedTest.

Launching tests using Gradle plugin#

After applying the plugin Gradle will create tasks like emceeTest<BuildVariant>. For example, emceeTestDebug.

To send tests to the queue run the command following way:

./gradlew emceeTestDebug

Instead of Debug there could be your build variant.